Hello everyone👋
Hope you are doing good. Google is almost used by everyone in today’s digital world for one or another thing?. Be it to learn or just surf the internet google plays an important role. But what if I say you can use google more than what you do every day. What if I told you that you can get specific results for your search? Yes, it is possible using google dorks.
What are Google Dorks
Google dorks are nothing but simple google operators that are used to get more refined search results. To know better let us understand how the Google search engine works.
Google Search is a fully-automated search engine that uses software known as web crawlers that explore the web regularly to find pages to add to download Google's index(Google’s Database). There are three steps in this Crawling, Indexing, and Saving. Firstly, crawlers crawl all over the internet and downloads media. It then analyzes them and saves them in its database called google index. When a user like you and me search for anything it gives us nearly accurate results.
So to get more related information from this search engine we use google operators and now let us see what are they and how to use them.
Google Dorks
There are many google operators let us learn what each does(replace <keyword> with your search word or phrase and <site> with the website)
site:<keyword> — Shows results containing keyword in the site url
site: tesla.com
intitle:“<keyword>” — Shows results containing the keyword in the title of the web page
allintitle:“<keyword>” “<keyword>” — Works the same as intitle but here you can have multiple keywords to be included in your search
allintitle:”Tesla” “Motors”
intext:“<keyword>” — Shows results containing the keyword in the text of the web page
allintext:“<keyword>” “<keyword>”— Works the same as intext but here you can have multiple keywords to be included in your search
allintext:”Hacking” “Web”
“<keyword>” filetype:<ext> —Shows results containing the files with given keyword extension (doc, xls, ppt, pdf etc…)
“Hacking” filetype:pdf
“<keyword>” @<site> —Shows results related to social media
“Hacker” @facebook
inanchor:“<keyword>” — Shows results with inbound links that contain the keyword
inanchor:”Cyber Security”
allinanchor:“<keyword>” — Shows results of pages that have all the keywords in the anchor text that links back to the page
allinanchor:”Cyber Security for Organizations”
“<keyword>” start date… end date— Shows results of the keywords appeared in web pages between start date and end date
“Hacking” 2020..2022
“<keyword>” OR “<keyword>”— Shows results having on of the given keywords
“Cyber” OR “Security”
“<keyword>” AND “<keyword>” — Shows results having both of the given keywords
“Cyber” AND “Security”
related:”<keyword>” — Shows results similar to the keyword
info:<site> — Finds information google has about the website
<keyword> -site:<site> — Shows results excluding the given website in results
Hacking -site:wikipedia.com
<keyword> +site:<site> — Shows results including the given website in results
Hacking +site:wikipedia.com
Hope this article helped you with some knowledge of how to get more refined searches when using google.
I hope you have learned something new today. Check out my Instagram to learn more about Tips and Tricks for finding bugs.
Till then take care and Happy Hacking!!!